Posts tagged development

Spying on a CANOpen bus

CANOpen is a protocol stack that sits on top of a normal CANBus. Recently I found myself needing to monitor the traffic between 2 devices on a CANOpen network. Monitoring a CANbus by itself is easy to do with a little Python. Where I ran into difficulty was interpreting the raw CANbus frames into CANOpen messages. Here’s how I solved that.

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Defining CANBus messages with a DBC file

DBC files are a standard way to define the messages that will be transmitted over a raw CANBus. While working with this format I found it easy to find tools that could interpret, use, and generate DBC files. However I had a hard time finding resources to describe the format and schema of these files. This post describes some of the schema details I found the most helpful, many of which I had to learn by digging through the source code of tools that work with DBC files. Personally, I find examples the easiest way to learn/understand schema basics, so I’ll use that here while also describing the schema itself.

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Embedded Development Primer

This post is meant to be an overview of some principles and practices I have found helpful for professional baremetal embedded development. This is meant for people who want to have total control over their embedded development environment and codebase.

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